Marvelously London.. with little escape in Paris! : UNITED KINGDOM

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Marvelously London.. with little escape in Paris!


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Marvelously London.. with little escape in Paris!

Località: London
Regione: Great Britain
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AAAH I travel fairytale as usual .. but get straight to the advice:
Fly round-trip fare on offer Alitalia 180 euros rome-londra.Appena arrived at Heathrow airport do the Oystercard for 1 week zone 1-2 with paying 1 pound in + you are getting to the center from Heathrow if you do not a business 4 pound! .. I do not change money at the airport, choose rather the change in the center gives you more '. Hotel we changed the first is attached 2 European Hotel / europeanhotel.htm we paid 90 pounds for four-bedded room with English breakfast area is Kings Cross is very good for the media and eating there is everything to us Simao am fine, the other hotel eh attacked Howard Hotel http: / / we took a triple room at 60 euros per night without colazione.Da see: Tower Bridge, Tower of London, Big Ben, Houses of Parliaments, Webminster Abbey, St. Paul Church, Buckingham Palace , Hyde Park, London Eye, Aquarium, Trafalguare Square, Piccadilly Circus, Sir Jhon House, The Shakespeare's Globe, the wax museum Madame Tussauds, British Museum, National Gallery, Tate and Tate Modern British, Greenwitch and Windsor Castle. For lovers of shopping, remember that in London there are always balances and balances are real! Where can you make good purchases is a look at Oxford Street and Edgware Road Queensway.Per sportswear not miss Lyllywhites in Piccadilly Circus, and the markets Camden and Camden Lock have Marker, Covent Garden, Portobello.Le areas not miss: Soho, Notting Hill, Kensington, Park Lane, and stores of Harrods.
To eat, London has it 'all a place to eat is benessimo Bake & Cake at Edgware Road n.350-352, take the metro to station Edgware Road Bakerloo, this area is full of restaurants of various fast food and Arabic cuisine . From London we decided to pop in Paris for shopping and review Eurodisney, so we took the Eurostar train that crossed the Channel in less than 3 hours took us to beautiful paris ticket price A / R London-paris-London 105 per person you need more info please contact me for other cities: Prague, Amsterdam, Paris, London, Hurghada, Cairo, Alexandria, Damietta, Ras Elbarr, Venice, Padua, Verona, Tivoli.


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